Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Happy 2011!!

I can't believe it is already 2011... I was just looking at some pictures of the beach trip we took in 2008 (I am COLD and dreaming of the warm weather..) and it seems like just YESTERDAY!! Some of these pics are on my blog already.. here is another one just for fun:

Ok, just for fun here are a couple more..
Kali Rose was almost 3, Kade was 4 and Kassidy was 6..

time flies... sigh
We went to the beach that year with our "besties." We love the LaCoste family so much and have a lot of history with them. We met them right after Sean and I got married... a whole 13 years ago!! We moved to Mobile, AL so that Sean could take a job as the youth pastor at their church. We connected immediately and have been super duper close ever since ;). We both ended up having 2 girls and one boy and our kids adore each other as well. People always tell us we favor as do our oldest girls.. I always say THANK YOU!! :)
In fact... you want to know something really funny!!?! Ok, here goes..  After we got back from the beach, Becky ordered several large prints of her family for her house.. Well after she got one of her prints back she noticed that it was not her family at all!! It was us. :) Our feet that is. What did she do with the picture you ask? Well, she framed it and hung it on her wall with all of the others of course. No one will ever know.. so shhhhh!!! 
Here is the pic:

Ok ok enough about 2008.. It is now 2011!! Time for me to update what happened in the last couple months of 2010 in the Clarke household.

God has been so good to us. We are blessed beyond words with wonderful families and friends. We got to spend a lot of time with them in Nov and Dec!!

In early November we finally made it to Auburn to cheer on our team.. Our CHAMPS I should say ;)

We are so proud of the Auburn Tigers and had a blast rooting them on this year!! 

We had a great Thanksgiving as well. I got to attend each child's class party, and while I was at Kali Rose's party I looked at the pictures each child had on their desk. The child had to tell what they were most thankful for. As I looked around I saw "food", "the world", "my family", "my trampoline"..etc.. I thought they all were so cute. Then I saw Kali Rose's and my heart was full :). 
I wondered what it was that made her put "God" in that moment to answer that question.. Nonetheless, she is beginning to get it.. I pray that in 2011 God helps us continue to nurture her love for Him!! 

This year, my sister and brother couldn't make it to Thanksgiving and neither of Sean's sisters could make it either..:( However, we still had both sets of parents (mine and his) over to our house for Thanksgiving!! We had a great time. Being in our new home just a couple of months, it was fun getting to "host" Thanksgiving. I even roasted the turkey myself!! :)
Kali Rose dressed for her Thanksgiving party :) 
 Kade dressed for his ;) (wearing his daddy's number)pictured with his super sweet teacher!
 oh wow.. now I'm hungry...
I promise he added more to his plate.. 
 This year my girls helped a lot in the kitchen. Kali Rose was so proud of her food!
 Sean's dad, Kade, My beautiful mom, and my dad
 Ready to eat!!
 I let the kids write the place cards. This was mine ;).
 Kassidy, my mother, and I decided to have a little photo shoot.
 Mica and the one who first made her a Mica ;)

 They have the sweetest relationship and I am soooo thankful for that. Of course, we would live next door if I had my way, but we are just 2 hours away so we get to see them often! :)

I will end with this. (It is time to go get the kids from school :))
Kade took that ^ shot on Thanksgiving. Hopefully I will post about Christmas tomorrow.. better late than never ;);)

Psalm 136:1
"Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good, for his steadfast love endures forever."

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