"The Nu-Derm System penetrates below the surface of your skin to transform skin cell functions at the cellular level and correct the damage within. The prescription-strength system exfoliates old skin leaving healthy, new skin that looks and acts younger and healthier."
Sounds great right. It is suppose to be fabulous.. I am still waiting for the fabulous.. I am a few weeks into it and my skin is red and peeling. I have read that this is normal, (really not fun though!) so stay tuned and I will give you another update soon :).
So with beauty products on my mind, I thought I would share a couple more of my favorites..
My favorite concealer is by Tarte. It is their Dark Circle Defense Natural Under Eye Corrector. It works great, and not just for dark circles.
My favorite mascara is Bare Minerals Flawless Definition Mascara.
And here is a little beauty secret.. I use this product. but not for the reason you think..
Clear Great Lash Mascara by Maybelline.
It works wonderfully for those little wispie (sp?) baby hairs that often have a mind of their own. I just brush this over them and they stay put. Just where I want them ;).
What are your favorite products?? Do tell. :)
Thanks for the tip for baby hairs...I have LOTS of little hairs with little minds of their own!