Saturday, February 12, 2011


It's almost Valentines Day.. 
My apothecary jars are all dresses up for the special day :).

I put a sweet Valentine card from Sean in this one 

 Speaking of Sean.. 

I love him.

I love how he loves the Lord with ALL of his heart.

I love how he is constantly striving to be a better person, husband, father, son, pastor, friend...

I love the way my kids adore him..

I love how he loves me more than I could ever imagine anyone loving me.. And WAY more than I deserve to be loved..

I love the way he smiles when the kids run to greet him in the evenings.. and the way he laughs when he gives them "ticklebugs"..

I love the way he never misses the kids activities and never forgets to get the girls flowers...

I love how Kade wants to be just like him...

I love that he makes me laugh...

I love how fluffs my pillows and straightens my covers to make sure I am completely comfortable..

I love how he fills my van up for me.. just so I won't have to...

I love how he makes a point to be home in time for dinner so we can eat together and play the "grateful" game...

I love how his whole agenda for this weekend was to make sure the kids have fun.... I also love how he ended up driving all of the way to Nashville (6+ hrs in the car) just to get me the dining room chairs I wanted.. (pics of those soon:))

I love how he sends me sweet text throughout the day..

I love how he'll do anything for the sake of building relationships... ;)

I love that he is renovating a house. For me. Again :)

...even when he gets some not so helpful help :)

I love that he recently came home excited because he heard a song that he felt he could have written for me. He proceeded to play the following song in the kitchen and we slow danced while the kids giggled around us..

I love how his family is the most important thing to him..

I love how he is my very best friend...


  1. I am totally crying right now :)) This is the sweetest post ever!!!

  2. I am with Kailey, tears are you!!!

  3. How did I miss this one? What a sweet expression of love, Rhi. I'm crying.


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