We celebrated Kade's 7th birthday over the weekend, LEGO style.
We made the invitations with a picture of Kade and a few of his LEGO creations.
The Friday before his birthday, I sent in Cake Pops for his classmates. The colors went right along with our Lego theme.
For food, I kept it pretty simple. Cheese balls..
I bought a Lego Ice Cube tray from the Lego store. I put a little bit of red or blue food coloring in the water when making the ice. These were HUGE hits. Everyone loved watching the "Lego" change the color of their lemonade!!

I also used the ice cube tray as a mold to make cute little chocolate Legos for my cupcakes.
For lunch I prepared these little pouches for each kid to make their own Lego pizza. Each pouch had a baggy of mozzarella cheese, a baggy of 8 mini pepperoni, and a baggy with a small rectangular pizza dough. I spread the sauce on their pizza and then they tried to make it look like a Lego. CUTE!
I tried to keep the cost down with the decorations. I bought poster board from the dollar store and found this Lego coloring sheet. We put one of these on each side of the mailbox.
And one on the door..
I used the same coloring sheets to decorate the table..
Me and my little man :)
We had these tables set up in the den. One for activities and eating and the other one for gifts.
Happy Birthday kiss from Kali Rose
1. As the kids came in, they picked a coloring sheet and began coloring.
2. About a week before the party I had Kade create several simple Lego creations. We then took a picture of each one. I put the picture, along with all of the pieces to that creation in a baggy. The kids picked a baggy and sat down. Looking at the picture, they tried to create the object. This was a huge hit!!
3. Lego pizza time! I had the island prepared for them to create their "Legos." If you look closely, you can see that I had a small strip of foil with each kid's name on it placed on their plate. Then, when I placed them in the oven, I kept the foil with the pizza so I would know who it belonged to.
4. While we waited for the pizza to bake, we played this game. Each kid got 4 random Legos. One person set a Lego in the middle of the circle. Then, one by one, we went around the circle and each person got to add a Lego. We tried to see how high we could get the tower without it falling over.
Next, they ate their pizza, enjoyed their Lego ice in their cups, and ate cupcakes.
5. Then we played pin the peg on the Lego. They loved this :).
6. In the picture/baggy activity I showed you earlier, I had 3 similar objects (2 horses and 1 giraffe). For this next activity, we paired them up, gave each a baggy with one of these objects, and had them race to see which team could put it together first.
7. I actually didn't get a picture of the last activity, but they basically had to throw
Legos into a container, one team (the same teams as the previous activity) at a time. We then counted to see who got the most in one minute.
Then it was time to open the gifts. :)
The party was a huge hit! We ended it by letting each child chose a Lego key chain (they put them on their backpacks.)
Love this idea. You are so incredibly gifted and your little people are lucky to have you as their Momma! Beth
ReplyDeleteGreat work and I'm sure your little guy just loved it to pieces...and all of his friends will want a Lego party for their birthday party too. :)
ReplyDeleteLego Party Supplies
I love the theme but was wondering if it’s available in primary colors? I’ve already purchased quite a bit in the primary colors. Wish I would have seen this first. Any way to change up the colors?
ReplyDeleteLego Party Supplies
I love the theme but was wondering if it’s available in primary colors? I’ve already purchased quite a bit in the primary colors. Wish I would have seen this first. Any way to change up the colors?
ReplyDeleteLego Party Supplies